
Studio di consulenza societaria e fiscale

Regional funds NIDI for new entrepreneurs in Puglia

Doing business in Puglia: regional funds for new entrepreneurs In this article we will talk about regional funds NIDI for new entrepreneurs in Puglia. This programme can be used also by expats that intend to start a new business in Puglia Nidi offers help for starting a new business with a non-repayable grant and a…
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Incentivi per investimenti in start up innovative

Incentivi per investimenti in start up innovative L’agevolazione fiscale incentivi per investimenti in start up innovative, è introdotta dal decreto Rilancio[1],  recante “Misure urgenti in materia di salute, sostegno al lavoro e all’economia, nonché di politiche sociali connesse all’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19” e mira a creare un incentivo nell’investimento su un particolare settore di impresa, considerato…
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Commercialista Specializzato in e-commerce: come sapere se ne hai bisogno

Commercialista specializzato in e-commerce: come sapere se ne hai bisogno   Le esigenze che spesso emergono durante le sessioni di consulenza e-commerce per chi vuole avviare un’attività di commercio elettronico, sono quelle relative alla figura del Commercialista specializzato in e-commerce. Premettendo che i commercialisti seri e professionali dispongono del bagaglio tecnico per affrontare la fiscalità…
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Tirocinio in finanza agevolata

Tirocinio in finanza agevolata Lo Studio di Consulenza Marino ha stipulato una convenzione con la ,Facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Foggia per accogliere al proprio interno studenti interessati a svolgere un tirocinio in finanza agevolata. Requisiti per il tirocinio in finanza agevolata Al candidato è richiesta una conoscenza minima ed il possesso delle seguenti abilità: Conoscenza…
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Forfettario Regime in Italy

Start your business in Italy as Freelancer with forfettario regime If you are thinking to start you own business in Italy you should think to opt for forfettario regime How works forfettario regime? With forfettario regime in Italy you will pay just the 5% of taxes in Italy for the first five years, and after…
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Forfetario Regime: Set up your business in Italy just paying 5% of taxes

Expats taxation in Italy In this article we gonna deepening the forfetario regime (flat tax scheme) for freelancers in Italy Taxation of freelancer  italy flat-rate scheme (forfetario regime) Many expats who arrive in Italy, carry out a freelancer activity. I am often asked what opportunities there are from a fiscal point of view. One of…
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Commercialista per e-commerce

Commercialista per e-commerce Lo Studio di Consulenza Marino offre una consulenza mirata per le imprese che vendono tramite e-commerce Perchè è necessario un Commercialista specializzato in e-commerce? L’attività di vendita tramite e-commerce è qualificata quale attività di impresa al pari delle vendite online. Tuttavia le peculiarità di vendita tramite e-commerce comportano spesso l’applicazione di norme…
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Tax Breaks in Italy: how to pay less taxes in Italy?

Tax breaks in Italy Tax breaks in Italy: what you should know for pay less taxes in Italy? Starting from 30 April 2019, income from employment and self-employment generated in Italy by workers who move their tax residence in the territory of the Italian State, pursuant to Article 2 of the TUIR, is 70% exempt.…
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Italian taxation F.A.Q.

Italian Taxation F.A.Q (ENG) This section titled Italian Taxation F.A.Q (ENG) is dedicated to those foreigners that want to know more about italian taxation system. Before to read the F.A.Q. please fill free to join to the facebook group About Living in Italy, where you can find more information about Italy. 1. After to move…
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Taxation in Italy: how it works

In this article is provided a short overview about Doing business in Italy, concerning information about italian taxation system. If your are interested in to move in Italy please feel free to consult also the section Italian taxation F.A.Q. Also you can join to the facebook group ABOUT LIVING IN ITALY TAXATION IN ITALY: HOW IT WORKS…
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