Expats Desk

Studio di consulenza societaria e fiscale

If you are interested in a specialist tax advisor for Expats in Italy, please fill the module for a service quote

You will have an evaluation on your tax position in Italy, and if you can apply for impatriati regime

You can also browsing on the page “expats taxation in Italy” and find more informations about the italian tax system

Or you can send an email with request information to marino@consulenzamarino.it

For Example: Codice Fiscale; Registration in the register of resident population Rent Agreement; Italian Bank account; Italian ID; italian employed contract, ecc...
Please define how many time you will travel abroad during each year, for which reasons
Please describe if you income will be employed income with italian employer or not, or if you will work as freelancer. Please report also if you will have foreign income
For example: Bank account (also account such as Wise Revolut ...) Cryptocurrency Pension Funds Trading stocks Shares in Company Properties
Please descrive the title
Description of income and amount
Please, report the questions regarding taxation in Italy for which consultancy is requested


Raffaele Marino Chartered Accountant registered with the Order of Trani n. 1334 Section A


Raffaele Marino
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